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G Suite Twitter hack

Official G Suite Twitter account latest target of Bitcoin-related hacking spree

This week, Twitter has been hit with a massive influx of Bitcoin scamming. Bad actors are attempting to make their scams more appealing through the social platform via impersonation and outright hacking of celebrity and company accounts. Now, it seems, the G Suite Twitter account has been hacked, making Google the latest to have an account fall victim to the ridiculous scheme.


Senate Intelligence Committee to grill Facebook and Twitter on election interference countermeasures

Facebook’s COO and Twitter’s CEO will be appearing before Congress today to defend their failure to prevent Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election, and to explain what they are doing to prevent state-sponsored interference in the November midterms.

Google was also asked to appear, but it seems unlikely to do so …


Google, Microsoft, Facebook, & Twitter’s Data Transfer Project simplifies switching services

With “Download Your Data,” Google allows users to get a copy of their data if they ever want to switch to a different service. Google, along with Twitter, Facebook, and Microsoft, is now taking this a step further by directly transferring data between different products to make switching seamless.
