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Google Contacts

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Google Contacts is the first big Material You redesign with Dynamic Color, UI tweaks [Updated]

Google Contacts Material You redesign

Material You can be seen in various parts of the system on Android 12. The next big step for the company’s new design language is app updates, and that started with Google Camera seeing some tweaks this month. Google Contacts is now the inaugural first-party app to get a sizable Material You redesign.

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Google Contacts 3.2 adds dark theme, respects system Night mode in Android Pie

Google Contacts

Following last week’s encouragement that apps adopt dark themes to conserve battery life, Google Contacts is the latest Android client to gain one. In recent weeks, the company has been updating its communication apps, with Google Phone’s dark look already announced and in-development.


Google Contacts for web gets Material Theme redesign to match Gmail, Android app

Google Contacts has been building out a new design for the past couple of years, and today the company announced that the old version of the interface would be deprecated in favor of the new one. At the same time, though, it looks like a Material Theme redesign is hitting Contacts, catching it up to Gmail and other Google apps.


Google Contacts app could soon bring QR codes, slightly redesigned contact cards

Following the release of Google Contacts for most Android devices earlier today, more people than ever now have access to the app. After digging into the latest version of Google Contacts, we managed to enable a couple unreleased features in the latest version that could make managing your contacts with it even easier than it already is…
